Value proposition, network structure, and action plan
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Short description
The text uploaded to Decidim entails 4 components:
- Narrative and Values of Nets4Dem: The narrative piece is the short version of the already agreed upon longer version of the narrative. New to the narrative is a section called “Values Nets4Dem adheres to”. This section is a proposal for core values that will underline the way members are admitted to the consortium. These values will be the baseline for the development of the Membership Charter.
- Value proposition for each stakeholder group: This section describes the value proposition Nets4Dem can offer each stakeholder group - policy makers, practitioners, researchers, and organisers. It will 1) serve as a communications tool to reach new members; and 2) be the framework for the services and resources Nets4Dem will provide to its members.
- Planned resources and services of Nets4Dem: This is a sub-section clustering our different activities within the Nets4Dem Project as resources and services the network will bring to its members. All ideas for further activities, resources and services can be added here and will make up possible pathways for future aims of the project.
- Structure of the Network as a growing process: This section describes the network structure in its main parts. The network structure will be the baseline for developing the governance structure within and between the different parts of the network. This section also entails visualisations of the structure in form of diagrams that are hyper-linked in the text. In the diagrams you will see the network structure and how it evolves over time.
- Short-term action plan for building membership: This section details a plan for building the membership in the upcoming four months from March - July 2024. It serves as information to the consortium, but also as a place to collaboratively fill with actions, tasks and aims, we think are pertinent.
Narrative See all proposals (18)
Respect for divergent views, cultures and backgrounds is paramount. Members must uphold the...
Value proposition See all proposals (18)
Strengthen citizens' trust by institutionalising inclusive, evidence-based policymaking through...
Structure See all proposals (28)
Membership building plan See all proposals (32)
Start date
March 13, 2024
End date
March 31, 2024
Reference: nets4dem-prod-PART-2024-03-1