Value proposition, network structure, and action plan
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Multi-stakeholder online and offline working sessions
To establish not only stable working relationships between different stakeholders, online and offline working sessions will allow for deeper sense-making around democratic innovation as it evolves. The work sessions will enable learning around new approaches, joint evaluation of policy recommendations, pathways of evaluating outcomes of democratic exchange processes and develop a deeper understanding of working cultures and norms to facilitate collaboration on equal terms.
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To establish stable working relationships between different stakeholders, online and offline...
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This para combines the activities of WP6 and WP7, so there are two different goals for holding these sessions. Whilst the objective of strengthening the network and collective sense-making is present, the objective of WP7 is not sufficiently exposed. Policy dialogues and political debates are primarily run to facilitate advocacy at higher levels of government and ensure the impact of recommendations, approaches and solutions developed and tested by the network. I'd recommend expanding this paragraph or devising these two groups of activities.
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